Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Water Distillers - The Best Water Purifiers

With all the options that are out there for purifying tap water, it can be confusing to know which one to choose. Frankly, most methods just can't get rid of all the contaminants.. That pretty much leaves using a distiller as the best means of purifying water.
In this article you'll get a glimpse of some of the less desirable elements that are in tap water. Next, I'll give a brief description of how distillers work and just why they are the best when it comes to purifying good old H2O. Then I'll address three reservations some people might have about distillers. And if you're in the market, (or just plain curious), I make a recommendation on one important feature you must not overlook.
Tap Water
The human body is two-thirds water. As I'm sure you're aware, the recommended daily intake of H2O is 8 ounces eight times per day. It seems like a no-brainer, right? The problem is that almost every activity we perform, from farming to manufacturing, produces waste. And most of that waste finds its way into our drinking supplies. Typical substances are heavy metals, arsenic, pesticides, bacteria, viruses, parasites, pathogens, spent fuels, and countless other chemicals. Many of these contaminants are proven carcinogens, including fluoride which is actually the waste that comes from producing copper and aluminum. Fluoride has been implicated in a host of medical problems from thyroid conditions to bone cancer, and, ironically, in causing dental problems! Equally ironic, is that fluoride makes it easier for aluminum to cross the blood-brain barrier in the human brain. Aluminum,as you're probably aware, is implicated in Alzheimer's disease.
Even with bottled water, you're never really sure of the source. Often times, the source is the tap with the bottle fancied up with pretty labeling. On top of that, the plastic used in these bottles contains bisphenol A, (BPA) which mimics estrogen. Bisphenol A is thought to alter gender behavior in babies, with girls behaving more aggressively, and boys being more anxious and withdrawn. So, with all the stuff you have to contend with just to get a simple little glass of H2O, what are you supposed to do?
The Best Water Purifier
Say hello to your new little friend, the water distiller! And how it works is really simple. Basically, water is boiled off, and the residue of contaminants is left behind. The evaporated water then condenses into a separate chamber as pure water. So, what makes using a distiller the best system for purification? Other systems remove contaminants from water; whereas, water distillers remove the water from the contaminants, which means there are no lingering or suspended particles in your glass of H20.
Questions About Distilled Water
1) Isn't it true that distilled water is too acidic? Yes, it's true that it is acidic, but not too acidic, in fact the amount is negligible. It is the result of water coming into contact with the air, which contains carbon dioxide. When carbon dioxide meets with water, it dissolves into a very small amount of carbonic acid. As long as you have a healthy digestive tract and are not taking any anti-acids, drinking distilled water is perfectly safe.
2) Doesn't drinking distilled water leach minerals from our bodies? Dr. David Williams of Alternatives answers that most of our minerals come from the foods we eat, not the water we drink. In fact, if our kidneys are in good working order, they do a fine job of balancing the minerals in our bodies. If we rely on our water to provide minerals, we're going to end up losing them through our urine.
3) Aren't water distillers a little pricey? Yes. For a really good counter-top water distiller, you can expect to shell out about $500. But aren't you worth it?
Pre-Boiling and Boiling
It is crucial that you buy a water distiller with a two-step heating process. Inferior distillers have only one step, boiling. Volatile organic compounds, (VOC), are undesirable compounds in H2O that evaporate at a lower temperature and pressure than water. A distiller that has both pre-boiling and boiling stages, evaporates and releases the volatile organic compounds first, just before the water itself boils, evaporates and is captured in the condensing chamber. If a distiller uses only boiling to purify water, then the VOC are not released. Instead, they are caught up with the evaporated water and both are directed to the condensing chamber.
It pays to shop around for quality. To your good health.

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