Bladder infection, otherwise called as cystitis is an infection that affects the urinary tract, particularly the urinary bladder. This is mostly caused by bacteria, and the most common causative agent is Escherichia coli. The urine itself is sterile, even if it mostly contains fluids and waste products. However, when bacteria move up to the urinary tract, to the urinary bladder and to the kidneys, these may cause Urinary Tract Infections and bladder infections.
Bladder infection is a disorder that is more common in women than in men, because of the proximity of the urinary tract. It is shorter in women than that of men so women are more susceptible to having symptoms. Most of the time its not serious, but it can be a painful trouble, and when not treated promptly and properly, the infection can ascend to the kidneys, causing you further problems, and a much more serious health threat.
During an infection, the infection is superficial. The bladder mucosa becomes hyperemic (red) and hemorrhage (bleeding) can happen. This inflammatory response may also cause the formation of pus. One of the presenting symptoms is dysuria, urination that is painful and difficult. You may also experience urinary frequency and urgency. You will have a sudden and compelling need to urinate, and when you further delay urination, it will become more painful. One of the common bladder infection symptoms is nocturia. This is urination for about two or more times during the night. Other symptoms are pyuria and hematuria. Pyuria is having urine that is foul-smelling with a cloudy appearance. Hematuria, on the other hand is a bloody urine, which is mainly due to the bleeding of the inflamed bladder wall. Suprapubic pain and tenderness may also be present as these are also among the common bladder infection symptoms.
Bladder infection symptoms should not be taken lightly. In fact, once you experience these symptoms, you should go to the doctor immediately to seek for treatment. The kidneys are close to the urinary bladder, and ascending infection to these areas is not unlikely. You will be prescribed with antibiotics to treat the bladder infection symptoms. In addition, you may also be given analgesics for the pain. Moreover, you will be advised to drink citrus juices or cranberry juice to increase the acidity of your urinary tract which will help in treating bladder infection symptoms. You will also be asked to do some comfort measures at home for the symptoms. For the pain, have a warm sitz bath, warming packs or heating pads. These will relax your muscles, and will increase blood supply to the area which will promote healing. Increase your fluid intake so that your urine will be diluted, which will reduce the irritation on the inflamed bladder and urethral mucosa. And of course, practice cleanliness at all times.
Although there is treatment available, it is still better to avoid these situations. As what doctors always say, prevention is better than cure.
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